sábado, 26 de dezembro de 2009

Playing for Change

Playing for Change

aqui divulguei este fantástico projecto intitulado Playing for Change. Hoje foi dia de receber esta mensagem, que partilho com os meus leitores, e por isso volto a divulgar este vídeo.

Parem um pouco. Escutem. Deixem-se embalar nesta cadência de vozes multicolores que só enriquecem este som já de si magnífico!

Season's Greetings!

We wanted to take a moment and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being a part of the Playing For Change family. Together we have shared a lot of music, videos and insight into the power of music to unite us all and help us make the world a better place. This is just the beginning!!

We wish you all a happy and healthy New Year and look forward to continuing this journey of connecting the world through music together in 2010. A friend recently shared with me a quote from a well known historic figure, and as a final thought of the year I pass it on to you:

“Behind the storms of daily conflict, crisis and struggle, it is the artist, and the poet and the musician that continues the quiet work of the centuries, building bridges of experience between peoples, and reminding us the universality of our feelings, desires, and despairs, and reminding us that the forces that unite are deeper than those that divide.”

One Love,
Mark Johnson

Flickr: flickr.com/playingforchange
Vimeo: vimeo.com/playingforchange
YouTube Channel: youtube.com/playingforchange

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