sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2016

A Palavra a Um Nobel

A Palavra a Um Nobel

We live in a political world
Love don't have any place
We're living in times
Where men commit crimes
And crime don't have any face
We live in a political world
Icicles hanging own
Wedding bells ring
And angels sing
And clouds cover up the ground
We live in a political world
Wisdom is thrown in jail
It rots in a cell
Is misguided as hell
Leaving no one to pick up the trail
We live in a political world
Where mercy walks the plank
Life is in mirrors
Death disappears
Up the steps to the nearest bank
We live in a political world
Courage is a thing of the past
Houses are haunted
Children unwanted
The next day could be your last
We live in a political world
The one we can see and feel
But there's no one to check
It's all a stacked deck
We all know for sure that it's real

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